Detalių žymėjimas schemose 2019.01.22 at 07:11

Kažkada prisireikė pasižiūrėti, kaip žymisi kažkokia detalė schemoje, tai radau visą sąrašą:

Designator Component type
A Separable assembly or sub-assembly (e.g. printed circuit assembly)
AT Attenuator or isolator
BR Bridge rectifier
BT Battery
C Capacitor
CN Capacitor network
D Diode (including LED, TVS, thyristor, Zener)
DL Delay line
DS Display
F Fuse
FB Ferrite bead
FD Fiducial
FL Filter
G Generator or oscillator
GN General network
H Hardware, e.g., screws, nuts, washers
HY Circulator or directional coupler
J Jack (least-movable connector of a connector pair) | Jack connector (connector may have „male” pin contacts and/or „female” socket contacts)
JP Jumper (Link)
K Relay or contactor
L Inductor or coil or ferrite bead
LS Loudspeaker or buzzer
M Motor
MK Microphone
MP Mechanical part (including screws and fasteners)
P Plug (most-movable connector of a connector pair) | Plug connector (connector may have „male” pin contacts and/or „female” socket contacts)
PS Power supply
Q Transistor (all types)
R Resistor
RN Resistor network
RT Thermistor
RV Varistor / Variable resistor
S Switch (all types, including push-buttons)
T Transformer
TC Thermocouple
TP Test point
TUN Tuner
U Integrated circuit (IC)
V Vacuum tube
VR Voltage regulator (voltage reference) / Variable resistor (potentiometer or rheostat)
X Socket connector for another item not P or J, paired with the letter symbol for that item (XV for vacuum tube socket, XF for fuse holder, XA for printed circuit assembly connector, XU for integrated circuit connector, XDS for light socket, etc.)
XTAL Crystal
Y Crystal or oscillator
Z Zener diode

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